November 30, 2009

bikey/yogi stuff

Posted in body image, family, health, lovey, tales from the gym, weekend at 9:51 pm by Marise Phillips

i have been working out fairly consistently these past few weeks and the things I find myself doing the most are bicycling and yoga. partly because my gym is close to work, offers good (aka easy enough for me) classes at times I can handle — and partly because of the immersive, meditative quality of both activities. i spend so much time in my head that i’m in dire need of classes like these, that force me back into my body *and* leave me feeling relaxed afterwards. hooray!

so J & I went on a jaunt yesterday, drove the car (with our handy-dandy, new hitch-mounted bike rack) over to Canada Road out near the junction of highways 92 and 280, and tried a new route along the Crystal Springs reservoir. The weather was perfect: sparkly bright sun and water, warm, and the route wasn’t too tough, despite the hills being slightly more challenging than promised by reviewers (but then again, what idiot rides a single-speed out in nature? oh yeah, me!) i don’t think J loved it, but he was a good sport and took some cool photos.

note: i’m still not near the point where i like seeing photos of myself in short-sleeved shirts, but i hope to get there sometime in 2010. enjoying the ride nonetheless.

November 24, 2009

cooking! frenzy!

Posted in cooking, food politics, veganism, vegetarianism at 9:30 pm by Marise Phillips

While I may not completely reach my friend Foo’s special brand of Crazy this Thanksgiving, I am still getting into the spirit. After cupcakes and cookie decorating on Saturday followed by a homemade Thai curry dinner, then fantastique French onion soup on Sunday, tonight I made this black bean soup and it was the easiest, fastest, delishest thing. Thank you, StumbleUpon!!

I love my new book, Vegan Cupcakes Take Over The World. Polished off the last mocha cupcake with coffee-flavored “butter”cream frosting tonight 🙂 And can’t wait to sample the next flavor that catches my eye!

Here’s what I’m making for Thanksgiving:

And please allow me to count the ways in which I’ll insert my subversive, hippie food agenda into the meal:

  1. I’m buying a free-range turkey (my mom will be cooking it) for ridiculous amounts of money. Otherwise I just don’t eat meat these days…
  2. The cornbread for the stuffing recipe above will be made using a homemade skillet cornbread recipe from Veganomicon, plus Earth Balance and egg replacer
  3. I’m making a small portion of the cornbread stuffing just for me, which will be flavored with Tofurky (italian sausage flavor) instead of bacon

All in all, I’m definitely looking forward to it 🙂